Monarch Investments | Our Company
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Our Company


Acquisition and Management

Monarch Investments is an Atlanta-based real estate company engaged in the acquisition, development and management of retail properties.

Active in multiple markets & asset classes

Monarch has acquired about $250 million in assets over the past several years. We plan to acquire another $250 million over the next 18-24 months.

We are experts in acquiring value-add, turnaround or reposition properties and bring unique skills and experience to these transactions. We also acquire stabilized properties with strong long-term value. Our principals have participated in more than $2 billion of retail transactions over two decades. Our seasoned management team, strong relationships and operational expertise enable us to optimize value for our investors.

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.

We move quickly and decisively and have developed strong relationships with lenders, brokers, sellers and tenants.